张帅 博士、研究员、博导

1. W Ding#, J Gu#, W Xu#, J Wu#, Y Huang#, S Zhang*, and S Lin*. "The Biosynthesis and Applications of Protein Lipidation." Chem. Rev. (2024).
2. S Zhang, O. D. Nelson, I. R. Price, C. Zhu, I. R. Fernandez, X. Lu, R. S. Weiss, H. Lin*, Long-Chain Fatty Acyl Coenzyme A inhibits NME1/2 and regulates cancer metastasis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119.11 (2022): e2117013119.
3. S. Zhang#, D. He#, Y. Yang, S. Lin, M. Zhang, S. Dai & P. R. Chen*, Comparative proteomics reveal distinct chaperone-client interactions in supporting bacterial acid resistance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2016, 113, 10872-10877. (#co-first author)
4. S. Zhang, D. He, Z. Lin, Y. Yang, H. Song, & P. R. Chen*, Conditional chaperone–client interactions revealed by genetically encoded photo-cross-linkers. Acc. Chem. Res, 2017, 50, 5, 1184-1192.
5. S. Zhang, N. A. Spiegelman, H. N. Lin*, Global Profiling of Sirtuin Deacylase Substrates Using a Chemical Proteomic Strategy and Validation by Fluorescent Labeling. Methods Mol Biol 2019, 2009, 137-147.
6. Kosciuk, T., I. R. Price, X. Zhang, C. Zhu, K. N. Johnson, S. Zhang, S. L. Halaby, G. P. Komaniecki, M. Yang, C. J. DeHart, P. M. Thomas, N. L. Kelleher, J. C. Fromme and H. Lin*. NMT1 and NMT2 are lysine myristoyltransferases regulating the ARF6 GTPase cycle. Nat Commun 2020, 11(1): 1067.
7. Y. Yang, H. Song, D. He, S. Zhang, S. Lin, S. Dai, R. Meng, C. Wang,P. R. Chen*, Genetically encoded cleavable and mass spectrometry-identifiable Protein photocrosslinker. Nat. Coummun. 2016, 7, 12299.
8. Y. Yang, H. Song, D. He, S. Zhang, S. Dai, X. Xie, ... & P. R. Chen*, Genetically encoded releasable photo-cross-linking strategies for studying protein–protein interactions in living cells. Nat. Protoc, 2017, 12,10, 2147.
9. S. Lin, D. He, T. Long, S. Zhang, R. Meng, P. R. Chen*, Genetically encoded cleavable protein photocrosslinker", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 11860-3.
10. L. Xiao, S. Zhang, J. Pan, C. Yang, M. He, L Zhuang* and J. Lu, First implementation of alkaline polymer electrolyte water electrolysis working only with pure water, Energ. Environ. Sci. 2012, 5, 7869.