陈振夏 博士教授 博士生导师
2022至今Briefings in Bioinformatics副主编(Deputy Editor)
2021-2022Briefings in Bioinformatics副编辑(Associate Editor)
1. Zhang R#, Tu YX#, Ye D, Gu Z,Chen ZX*, Sun Y*. 2022. A Germline-specific Regulator of Mitochondrial Fusion is Required for Maintenance and Differentiation of Germline Stem and Progenitor Cells.Advanced Science.
2. Chen L#, Luo Z#, Zhao C#, Li Q, Geng Y, Xiao Y, Chen MK, Li L,Chen ZX*, Wu M*. 2022. Dynamic Chromatin States Coupling with Key Transcription Factors in Colitis‐Associated Colorectal Cancer.Advanced Science.
3. Qian SH, Xiong YL, Chen L, Geng YJ, Tang XM,Chen ZX*. 2022. Dynamic Spatial-temporal Expression Ratio of X Chromosome to Autosomes but Stable Dosage Compensation in Mammals.Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics.
4. Luo ZH#, Zhu LD#, Wang YM#, Hu Qian S, Li M, Zhang W*,Chen ZX*. 2022. DSEATM: drug set enrichment analysis uncovering disease mechanisms by biomedical text mining.Brief Bioinform.
5. Li Z#, Qian SH#, Wang F, Mohamed HI, Yang G,Chen ZX*, Wei D*. 2022. G-quadruplexes in genomes of viruses infecting eukaryotes or prokaryotes are under different selection pressures from hosts.J Genet Genomics49: 20-29.
6. Liu X#, Chen L#, Wang T, Zhou J, Li Z, Bu G, Zhang J, Yin S, Wu D, Dou C et al. 2021. TDG is a pig-specific epigenetic regulator with insensitivity to H3K9 and H3K27 demethylation in nuclear transfer embryos.Stem Cell Reports.
7. Tong YB#, Shi MW#, Qian SH#, Chen YJ, Luo ZH, Tu YX, Xiong YL, Geng YJ, Chen C,Chen ZX*. 2021. GenOrigin: A comprehensive protein-coding gene origination database on the evolutionary timescale of life.J Genet Genomics48: 1122-1129.
8. Luo ZH, Shi MW, Yang Z, Zhang HY,Chen ZX*. 2020. pyMeSHSim: an integrative python package for biomedical named entity recognition, normalization, and comparison of MeSH terms.BMC Bioinformatics21(1): 252.
9. Chen L, Wang L, Cheng Q, Tu YX, Yang Z, Li RZ, Luo ZH,Chen ZX*. 2020. Anti-masculinization induced by aromatase inhibitors in adult female zebrafish.BMC Genomics21(1): 22.
10. Shi MW#, Zhang NA#, Shi CP, Liu CJ, Luo ZH, Wang DY, Guo AY*,Chen ZX*. 2019. SAGD: a comprehensive sex-associated gene database from transcriptomes.Nucleic Acids Res47(D1): D835-D840.
11.Chen ZX, Oliver B, Zhang YE, Gao G, Long M*. 2017. Expressed Structurally Stable Inverted Duplicates in Mammalian Genomes as Functional Noncoding Elements.Genome Biol Evol9(4): 981-992.
12.Chen ZX, Oliver B*. 2015. X Chromosome and Autosome Dosage Responses in Drosophila melanogaster Heads.G3(Bethesda) 5(6): 1057-1063.
13.Chen ZX#, Sturgill D#, Qu J, Jiang H, Park S, Boley N, Suzuki AM, Fletcher AR, Plachetzki DC, FitzGerald PC et al. 2014. Comparative validation of the D. melanogaster modENCODE transcriptome annotation.Genome Res24(7): 1209-1223.
14.Chen ZX, Golovnina K, Sultana H, Kumar S, Oliver B*. 2014. Transcriptional effects of gene dose reduction.Biol Sex Differ5(1): 5.
15.Chen ZX, Zhang YE, Vibranovski M, Luo J, Gao G, Long M*. 2011. Deficiency of X-linked inverted duplicates with male-biased expression and the underlying evolutionary mechanisms in theDrosophilagenome.Mol Biol Evol28(10): 2823-2832.
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2.陈振夏. Y染色体少了,男人要没了?南都周刊, (2009)
3.陈振夏.兴趣不是奢侈品. ——从喜欢花鸟虫鱼的日本皇子说起.科学时报, (2008).
QQ讨论群JC Bioinformatics(653435863),本实验室创建,面向全校生信爱好者,进行生物信息学技术交流和资源分享,并发布生物信息学兴趣小组线下活动通知。